ORGAN REPAIRPremium Elete is happy to welcome you!
Technical Engineer Keith H Clark
Technical Engineer Keith H Clark
Keith H. Clark - West Burke, Vermont
Vermont 802-467-1042 - New Hampshire 603-759-5814
Business Hours-9AM-5PM Monday-Saturday EASTERN time
If no immediate answer please leave message, I will get to you as soon as possible.
On-site or In shop Hammond Organ repair. Leslie Speaker repair service for Churches and home in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Exclusive Products. Call me and we can sort our your needs.

X-66 owners/Parts and Service
I am X-66 specialistsI also service most makes and models
I have-
Jensen V21 HF drivers
Jensen woofers, including EM models
Altec HF drivers
Altec woofers
Altec crossovers
Rebuild OE Leslie xovers
Tonewheel generators
Reverb units-REAL Gibbs/Hammond/Accutronics-US made not imports
Necklace high end units-both equal length spring difference later units and earlier 1 long spring units